Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Church Buffet

I am writing this blog in response to a post written by a fellow pastor's wife. I think it speaks volumes on the Church in America. Here is her post, and my commentary follows:

"At our past church, my husband and our pastor did a three-month process to try to teach the body the missional idea of church. After three months of teaching, preaching, modeling, etc, the pastor had a dedication service for those who wanted to follow along. NO ONE went forward. Their idea was "well, thats for other people to do," or "I know we are supposed to do that, but I don't want to." etc. It was heartbreaking. I think for the last 30-40 years the church has taught that its important to "come to church, tithe, give, get your Sunday School pin, eat dinner on Wed night...and if you don't come to every event we have then you are a 'sorry' Christian." I think the church has done much damage to the body of Christ. We need to have a whole new way of thinking...We are trying to break from all of that tradition with our church plant, and missional ministry is in the DNA of our church. I think its easier to start with that mindset than try to change a current congregation. We (the church in America) have created a consumer Christian church - where people go and select cafeteria-style of the things they want to do or not want to do at church...and church has become the last resort thing to do if there is nothing better..." 

What a sad commentary on the local Church...What's even more sad is that lady after lady commented that they are having the same experiences in their churches..Is this what Christ had in mind for His Bride? A bride is something beautiful. This depiction above is not a beautiful portrait. I LOVE idea that the staff wife above believes that The Church is NOT a cafeteria. We cannot "pick and choose" our church based on what we like and don't like, and then just sit there hoping not to be made uncomfortable!

This is an accurate picture of most churches today, and it is a sad one. What are we doing? What are you doing in YOUR local fellowship of believers?..Are you listening for God to speak? Or are you focused on your own wants from the non-doctrinal, non-essentials "buffet"?

Here is a list of a few "non-doctrinal non-essentials" in case you were wondering:

Style of worship
Choir? Or worship team?
Color of carpet
Worship service times
Do they use the hymnal or a screen?
Pastor's attire
Are the women wearing dresses?
Do they get out at noon?
Availability of parking
Do people there have tattoos? Or men with long hair?
I could go on with many more...SUCH AS:

That is a humorous rendering, but very accurate! 

Here is a list of "ESSENTIALS" to look for in a Church:

Do they teach: Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Christ was crucified for mankind and rose again.
Is the church missional?
Is the church focused OUTWARD, not INWARD?
Is the church loving and welcoming?
Do they teach sound doctrine?
Are they obedient to the Holy Spirit and follow the pastor's leadership?
Do they hold each other accountable to the higher calling of a Believer and live out the commands of scripture?
Are they focused on the Kingdom? Or the world? 
Do they teach and LIVE THE TRUTH?
Are they eager to know Christ more?

Notice the first list is all about the PERSON attending and THEIR wants. The second list is all about HIM and what HE wants for us. True believers who are seeking Him and His Kingdom cannot focus inward on our own desires, but we must go where there is TRUTH being taught, where God is speaking, being heard, and where He is WORKING! A movie I recently watched said, "It's not about what God is calling you to DO, it's about what God is calling you to BE!" What are you BEING for Christ and His Kingdom?

 Are you being Kingdom-centered? Or self-centered? I don't know about you, but I would rather be part of an EXTRAORDINARY church than an ordinary one! And I don't know of any extraordinary church that lives in the rut of comfort. We've all heard the question: "Are you allowing Him to use you?"..What kind of question IS that? Is that something we should even be asking? Giving God PERMISSION to use what belongs to Him?? We were created by Him to be used by Him. We are to be willing servants, just as Christ was. Not spoiled, demanding children who always want our way. 

I was truly moved by something while watching "The Bible" series on the History Channel. The movie truly brought to life for me what Christ endured while he was here. SURELY He was uncomfortable while being tested in the desert...While being followed by mobs of people...While dealing with bewildered and foolish disciples...While he was exhausted...While being arrested, beaten, and tortured on a cross...A cross he told US to pick up and carry alongside Him. What do we think He meant by that? Do we think taking up our cross daily MIGHT NOT make us uncomfortable at times? Surely it should make us uncomfortable daily! How dare we complain about the mundane? If the pastor preaches a little too long so we miss the kickoff? If the temperature isn't just right in the sanctuary? And for the love of Pete, if someone is sitting in our seat?? Think of the missionaries who are sitting on the ground at the equator, introducing our humble Savior to people groups who are starving to hear the Good News and have never even CONSIDERED a hymn book or a padded pew to sit on. How can our pastors pour their hearts into messages week after week with no response at our altars? Have our hearts grown that cold and indifferent to the Holy Spirit because we are so focused on our own comfort? What have we become, Church of America? It should be enough to make us take an inventory of what is important.  Don't be a church that does damage to the name of Christ! Be humble, be loving, be demanding only of the truth...I have news: The church isn't all about me. It isn't all about you. Don't lower the Church that Christ died for to no more than a choice on a buffet. What He has for us, if we will look beyond ourselves is a King's feast that we cannot even imagine. It's time, no, it's imperative that we expect more and demand more of our Christianity than a cheap, early-bird special. He certainly expects more. And I believe His heart is breaking at what He sees in America today.